TEE BALL League Age 5 - 6 YRS (CO-ED)
T-ball will be for league age 5 -6 year olds based off of Baseball League Age Chart. Attendance to games and practices will be required. Your coach will ask that you participate with him/her two to three times a week. This could be 3 games or 3 practices or any combination of the 2 depending on game schedules. We realize things come up but with technology at our fingertips coaches should know as soon as you know if your child is not going to make a practice or game.
Some basics you should expect your child to get out of playing tee ball are:
1. Don’t be scared of the ball
2. Know where to stand when batting
3. Know which way to go around bases
4. Proper throwing technique
5. Proper glove holding
6. Becoming familiar with field positions
During the game please be supportive to the coach, players, and volunteers. Please ask the coach if they need help with anything. There should be plenty of helpers on the field to make sure the children understand the game.