MINORS League Age 9-10 YRS
Baseball & Softball
Attendance to games and practices will be required. Your coach will ask that you participate with him/her 3 times a week. This could be 3 games or 3 practices or any combination of the 2 depending on game schedules.We realize things come up but with technology at our fingertips coaches should know as soon as you know if your child is not going to make a practice or game. At this level, parents are asked to volunteer to umpire the games. Please consider if a coach asks you. There is an "Umpire Resources" tab on our website if you need to learn the rules of the game. Remember, the success of our league depends on parents like you volunteering.
Some basics you should expect your child to get out of playing Minors are:
1. Basic pitching fundamentals
2. Home plate catching fundamentals
3. More position specific fundamentals
4. Communicating with your team during the game
5. Dugout behavior and good sportsmanship (COACH WILL NEED HELP)
Playing the game:
1. Have team meet at the ball park 30 minutes prior to game time for warm-ups.
2. Have your lineups ready 10 minutes prior to game time.
3. Umpire is scheduled by the home team, and the home team will supply a new game ball.
4. Be aware of the time... if you are the first of two games, do not start another inning if it will likely not finish before the second game is supposed to start.
5. Three outs or five runs in an inning ends the inning; this will help with time and pitching frustration for the younger children.
8. Line kids up after the game to slap hands say good game.
9. Have two volunteers (NOT COACHES) rake the infield.
During the game please be supportive to the coach, players, and volunteers. Please ask the coach if they need help with anything.
**These rules are consistent with what other leagues are currently doing as well. The coaches and umpires will review the rules prior to the game. If you have questions or concerns regarding how a game is being played please speak with your coach. We are representing West Branch Little League and would appreciate if you and your child conduct yourself using manners and sportsmanship. Everyone who participates with Little League does on a volunteer basis!